Welcome….Distance Reiki Healing usui,karuna,imara

Love and Light reiki usui,karuna anda imara


Mind Body Soul and Healing

Cells constantly vibrate creating an energy field that expands and contracts.

Many causes of illness, such as bacterial, viral, stress, trauma, and pollution affect our cell’s vibration.

Energy blocks occur when cells become too active creating excess energy. This increases the density/pressure. The increased pressure slows chi flow through our body’s energy pathways. Inflammation, pain, tumors, cancers, etc. and emotional imbalances such as anger, depression, worry, anxiety and fear are associated with over active vibration.

“Not enough energy”, or “under active” vibration also causes problems.

“Not enough energy” examples are chronic fatigue syndrome, Parkinson’s disease, ALS, and Alzheimer’s and degenerative diseases.

The healing solution is to balance the energy. Reduce the density/pressure by

dissipating the accumulation of excess energy. Many modalities offer techniques for detecting and removing energy blockages.

The healing solution for under active areas is adding Chi energy to the area.

Balancing our energy is vital to promoting health.

Conservation of energy

In healing we transform energy. Energy is never lost.

In Chinese medicine it is said we need good Chi flow, to have good health.

If we have poor Chi flow, we become ill.

Chi is vital life force energy–universal energy.

Everything and everyone in the entire Universe radiates Chi.

This is why “Chi” is called Universal.

Healing Spiritual Blockages

The Book of Life, the Akashic Records, contains the history of all the activities/thoughts/deeds/virtues of our lifetimes.

Karma, the record of our services, is divided into good or bad.

Services of benefit to humanity are classified as good karma. Services that harm are classified as bad karma.

Bad karma is thought to be the root cause of blockages in every aspect of a person’s life. This according to the Chinese this is a Spiritual Law of the Universe.

The affects of karma may appear instantly, over a period of years or through out lifetimes. Being committed to serving humanity cleanses bad karma…blessings are received.

The Golden Rule is to do unto others as you would have done unto you. The Golden Rule is taught in many cultures. The Golden Rule teaches basic karma— Coming from love in our interactions is generally met with love in return. Coming from anger, disrespect or hostility is generally met with disharmony and conflict.

Everyone is a Healer

Everyone is a natural healer. We are designed to survive.

We are Self-Healers.

To allow Self-Healing we must relax.

Cells tighten up when we are tense resulting in abnormal vibration.

Abnormal vibration creates imbalances in our energy. It impedes our Self-Healing.

Balance supports health.

Balance in all aspects of life promotes happiness.

Happiness helps us maintain a positive attitude.

Our mind has the power to influence our physical body.

Peaceful, positive attitude supports Self-Healing.

Soul/Spirit is our greatest power for healing. Soul has power over matter.

Our Soul is assisted by more powerful healing Higher Beings, Angels, Saints, Ascended Masters and Masters. We can receive healing directly through a Divine channel.

Body/Mind/Soul Wisdom

Listening to our body/mind’s wisdom is necessary for health.

Listening to our Soul’s wisdom accesses the ultimate healing power.

Our Soul/Spirit always gives us direction. We have Free Will and may choose not to follow our Soul’s direction.

Our life will go more smoothly, peacefully and successfully if we listen.

“Staying in the Flow” or “Moving into the Stream of Things” comes easily if we listen.

Listening to the wisdom of the Mind, Body and Soul together can create healing on a grand scale!

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